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10 Natural Ways to get Glowing Skin

Hi everyone,

Ask any woman on this planet, one thing will always be on her to-do list and that will be to develop a skin care regime that makes their skin glow. Well, obviously, who doesn’t want the kind of confidence that radiates through their face? 10 Natural Ways to get Glowing Skin.which i have jotted down will definitely give you a natural glowing skin. This can only happen when you have that spotless skin. The unfortunate thing is that our lifestyle doesn’t allow this kind of skin care routine which results in our skin getting affected. Skin care is extremely important and you can do it very easily by following some simple steps. Lets see 10 Natural Ways to get Glowing Skin below.




When your skin is hydrated it will definitely show up on your face. Lack of water in the body can result in various problems like dry skin, acne and much worse. It is necessary to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day to maintain that glow on your face. You will definitely see the difference once you drink water regularly. It is good for flushing out the toxins that build up in the system. Keep a bottle with you and drink water at regular intervals. You can even jazz it up a little by adding flavour through honey or lemon. Remember, no sugar at all.


Green vegetables literally have everything your skin needs. Our skin requires a certain amount of nutrients so that it can look great but if you keep eating food from all those fast food joints then no good will come your way. You have to somehow inculcate the habit of eating properly, on time and most importantly eating right. Green vegetables and fruits promote younger looking skin which is they should definitely be on your plate. They have anti-oxidants that can help protect your skin from cellular damage so you can imagine the kind of benefits a simple tomato or cabbage salad has. This is one of the important 10 Natural Ways to get Glowing Skin.


We all know the benefits of exercising for the body but you will be surprised to know how good exercising is for the skin. When you exercise the, blood flow increases and it helps keep the skin cells nourished and vital. This increases blood flow helps carry oxygen and all the nutrients which helps keep the skin cells activate. You will notice that your skin will look clearer after a workout session. Most of the skin ailments happen because of stress and working out helps cut out stress which can help with problems like acne. There is a concept called runner’s face which means a bony and structured face achieved through exercise. Now, you know how to achieve that jawline.

Also read – Makeup Tips for Oily Skin


Few moments in the sun can result in a lifetime of damage on your skin. It can result in wrinkles, spots and even worse skin cancer sometimes. Always wear protective clothing and seek shade. Avoid the sun as much as you can and if you go out always have sunscreen on you as protection.

Also Read – 10 Best Sunscreen For all Skin Types in India


Internal and external hydration both are important. Its important to moisturize to feed that extra moisture to you skin so that its stays soft and plump and doesn’t crack because of dryness. Lack of moisturizer can result in chipped off skin and cracks will be visible soon. Or body loses moisture every quickly, after you take a bath you will notice that you skin is dry. It is essential to use a good moisturizer that suits you skin, after taking a bath and before bedtime. At night your body repairs skin cells so it will soak up all that moisture and it will good for it.


Knowing what your skin needs is the first step to having a glowing skin. After that you need to know what will suit your skin the most. Many products might make claims of they will rejuvenate your skin but they might not be as affective on your skin. Some products suit some people and some don’t its all in knowing what is right choose something that isn’t harsh on your skin. Use face packs, scrubs, face masks, face washes, serums from good brands and the ones that seem right for your skin. Avoid strong soaps and use gentle products that don’t suck out the natural moisture. You can actually buy good moisturizers from brands like lotus on online stores and use mobikwik coupons to get discounts, if you are a user. Its all about your benefit.


Lack of sleep obviously affects the whole body but the maximum effect of it shows up your face. Sleep deprivation can cause acne, dark circles, blemishes, age spots and what not. It is important to get 7-8 hours of sleep daily. There is a reason its called beauty sleep. Your body needs time to repair itself and it does that when you are asleep. No skin cells will be repaired and your face will look dead because of it. No external product can fix your skin the way a good night’s sleep can. A healthy glow will show up on your skin in the morning as blood flow is boosted in the skin when you sleep. Take your beauty sleep regularly and you will see the difference. This is one of the important 10 Natural Ways to get Glowing Skin.


Acne is the worst that can happen to the skin, it brings down all the confidence you have. Also, acne somehow has this habit of coming up when you something important coming up and you want to look your best for it. It’s mostly because of stress or when your pores get blocked with oil or dust. The key is to exfoliate properly and avoid touching your face. Most basic things around you have bacteria in them which result in acne. Keep your phone also clean and ash your face at least 2 times with face wash and 4-5 times with water.

Also Read – 7 Easy Monsoon Skincare Tips


Spa is good to give your skin a little extra so that it always stays good. Spa is as important as anything in your skin care regime. There are various packages you can buy in various spa center and you will definitely see the difference after you get them done. Its all for making sure your skin looks young and you don’t become the target of early aging. You can get spas done regularly so that you keep up with the routine and the effect lasts longer.


Waking up early is as essential as sleeping well. Having a sleeping schedule is extremely necessary as it develop[s a good routine and once your skin gets used to it, you will have a proper skin clock. This way your skin can get better during those hours. When you wake up early you can actually get some fresh air and sleeping more than required just adds on to ailments in the body and does no good.


Taking care of any other body part is same as taking care of your skin. It needs proper care and help. Your whole body is covered in it and you don’t want a dull skin before you do make up or a skin you can’t do make up on. It is important to clear up the skin on your face specially and the rest of your body to look your best every day.

Thank You for Reading.



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Hola!! Welcome to Makeupadda I Khushboo am the founder and writer of Makeupadda. I started this blog to share my passion for makeup and beauty. I am a nature lover, loves travelling and exploring new places. Makeupadda is not just a beauty website but a resource for beauty enthusiast featuring many makeup reviews, beauty reviews, beauty news and updates, beauty tips. Contact-

View Comments

  • Judging by this list, I'm on the right track. I decided to pay more attention to my skin just recently and I adjusted some of these things unknowingly. Thanks for the list!

  • I swear drinking enough water will fix anything! Staying hydrated is overall good for you and will keep your skin looking amazing.

  • So, the two things I'm not doing is exercising and waking up early. :( I so want to integrate these in my routine but because I'm so not a morning person, exercising also goes for a toss. :(

  • Check check check and check! The only one I have a problem with is getting the right amount of sleep. I am totally fine getting body wakes me up

  • I agree that great skin usually comes with a lot of work and focus! Very few people are born with perfect skin that follows them through their adult years, smh....

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