Rosemary oil is one of the most popular essential oil for its many benefits for hair, health and skin. Rosemary is also known as Rosmarinus Officinalis. Rosemary is an aromatic herb that belongs to the mint family, Lameaceae. It is native to the Mediterranean region . Lets see the Benefits of Rosemary Essential Oil.
Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the flowering tips of the plant through steam distillation. It is one of the most popular aromatherapy oils. It is a colorless to pale yellow liquid with a woody aroma.
This oil is rich in healthy properties like benefitting phytonutrients, antioxidants and essential acids. It has been used since ancient times as a medicinal and culinary herb by the Greeks and Romans due to its therapeutic properties.
It is very popular in the Mediterranean region as a culinary herb. Many dishes are cooked with rosemary oil and freshly rosemary leaves. Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the leaves. The rosemary belongs to the mint family which includes basil, lavender.
It was most commonly used for healing and purification. Rosemary essential oil is most widely used in aromatherapy as it is great for stimulating the brain, improving memory and mental clarity.
Benefits of Rosemary Oil-
Hair Care
Rosemary oil is used for hair care in shampoos and lotions. Regular use helps making hair grow longer and stronger. Rosemary oil slows down premature hair loss and greying of the hair.
It is excellent oil for bald people or people who are losing lot of hairs or have thin hair.
In addition to its health and skin benefits, rosemary essential oil is also known to promote hair growth and thickness. It can be used with carrier oils like coconut, olive or almond oils for maximum benefits. The benefits of rosemary oil for hair include the following-
· Stimulates The Hair Follicles:
Rosemary oil stimulates the hair follicles, thus enabling your hair to grow stronger and longer. By stimulating cell division and dilating the blood vessels, this oil stimulates the hair follicles into producing new hair growth.
· Great Conditioner
It works as a great conditioner. Using rosemary oil on a regular basis makes your hair soft and manageable. Thus, it is a great natural conditioner.
· Treatment of Dandruff
Rosemary oil is beneficial for a dry and flaky scalp and may prevent premature baldness. Regular massage with this oil nourishes your scalp and helps remove dandruff. It can be mixed with olive oil or coconut oil to be more effective.
Skin Care
Rosemary essential oil is not much used in skin care as compared as it is used in hair care, but it does have antimicrobial and antiseptic qualities that make it beneficial in efforts to eliminate eczema, dermatitis, oily skin, and acne.
The astringent properties of rosemary essential oil make it beneficial for skin care. It contains a wide array of nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamins and antioxidants. Thus, this oil is effective for all skin types and is used as an ingredient in skin care cleansers, soaps, face masks, toners and creams.
Topical application of the oil helps in toning your skin and removing dryness. It can also give your skin a healthy, even glow when regularly applied.
· Anti-Ageing Property
Being rich in powerful antioxidants, rosemary oil slows down the effect of ageing on the skin. It helps in tightening sagging and loose skin, thus making it firmer and more elastic. Moreover, it stimulates biological activity and cell growth to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
· Prevents Skin Infection
The medicinal qualities of rosemary essential oil make it beneficial for treating chronic skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. Its anti-inflammatory properties are useful in reducing the swelling and puffiness of the skin as well as healing burns.
· Treatment of Acne-
Rosemary oil has powerful disinfectant and antiseptic properties. These help in treating acne and oily skin conditions. Massaging your face with this oil improves skin complexion by lightening dark spots and blemishes on the skin.
Mouth/Dental Care
Rosemary oil has astringent and antibacterial properties. This makes it effective for the treatment of dental conditions like bad breath, plaque build-up, cavities.
Rosemary essential oil is a disinfectant and is often used as a mouth wash.
Being a disinfectant, it is often used as a mouthwash for keeping your gums and teeth healthy.
Other Rosemary Oil Uses-
Rosemary essential oil improves the overall health by treating indigestion, flatulence and menstrual disorders. It also improves circulation and keeps your liver healthy. However, it should not be consumed orally as it can cause severe vomiting and nausea. It should be diluted or used for massage and in baths.
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For Mental Health
Simply adding some essential oil to an essential oil diffuser can be an instant stress buster for many. Rosemary oil can take that stress relief up a level – it’s incredibly potent!
It has relaxing nature of aromatherapy and general inhalation of this oil decreases the stress hormones.
If you’re a little overwhelmed, unsure, confused, you may find that the soothing aroma of rosemary helps you clear your head.
A little rosemary oil may stop you needing to cram the night before a big test. In addition to lowering stress and anxiety, it has also been shown to positively enhance memory.
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It has relaxing nature of aromatherapy and general inhalation of this oil decreases the stress hormones.
Physical Health
· Increase Circulation
Rosemary oil is one of the easiest ways to improve circulation in the body. If you’re experiencing muscle cramps, cold hands and feet or muscle soreness, then massage a little rosemary oil, mixed with a carrier oil, into these areas regularly.
· Cure Headaches
Rosemary oil applied to the skin treats pain and improves circulation, meaning it might just relieve your migraine or throbbing headache.
Apply a drop topically to your temples or the aching parts of your head. You can also try rubbing it in your hands and cupping them over your mouth and nose for up to a minute.If your headache is stress related, then by using rosemary you will be alleviating the root cause of the pain.
· Boost Immunity
Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties rosemary is an important essential oil for giving our immune system a helping hand when cold and flu season rolls round.
One of the best ways to do this is with a relaxing and cleansing lymphatic massage using rosemary essential oil.Rosemary is one of the best essential oils around for stimulating movement and supporting the cleansing action.
Of course, even just relaxing in a bath with added rosemary essential oil will help the immune system by reducing stress, one of the main causes of poor immunity.
· Alleviate Muscle & Joint Pain
Simply apply a little oil to the aching joints or muscles and its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties will soon kick in.
· Cure Indigestion
Rosemary essential oil can be used externally for relief from symptoms of indigestion. If you’re suffering with, stomach cramps, constipation or bloating give it a try.
Combine it with a carrier oil and massage into the stomach. You can also try a bath with rosemary oil for the same effect. Some even say that rubbing the oil on the bottom of your feet will alleviate indigestion!
· Cough, Cold & Flu Relief
To help relieve the symptoms of a cold or flu – stuffy nose, cough and congestion – try massaging one or two drops of the oil on your chest and throat every few hours.
Its antiseptic action also makes rosemary oil useful for respiratory infections.
It also helps in treating headaches, muscle pain. Massaging the affected area that is in pain with rosemary essential oil can give quickly relieve the pain.
Rosemary has a mesmerizing aroma, which makes rosemary essential oil an excellent inhalant. The oil is used in room fresheners, cosmetics, beauty aids, food, bath oil, candles and perfumes because of its unique and intoxicating aroma.
Rosemary oil may, at times, cause allergic reactions, so it should only be used if prescribed or after thorough consultation with your medical specialist. Since rosemary oil is volatile in nature, the oil has occasionally caused vomiting and spasms. Therefore, it should never be ingested. It is strongly suggested that rosemary essential oil should not be used by pregnant, breastfeeding, or nursing women.
So these were the benefits of this wonderful Rosemary Oil. Hope you can use this essential oil for various reasons. I personally use Rosemary Oil myself from Soulflower Rosemary Pure Essential Oil its good and affordable.
Do you use rosemary oil? If yes how do you use it ? Do share your valuable comments in the comment section below.
Thanks for reading.
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I am not surprised that Rosemary has a lot of great benefits. However I don’t think I have used any health or beauty products that contain rosemary. I’ll have to keep an eye out for some.
I never knew that there were so many benefits to rosemary essential oil. I am going to have to get some to have in my home so I can use it.
Wow I didn’t know rosemary oil had so many benefits. Really interesting to see all the different applications here.
Rosemary is a bit of a super power plant isn’t it. I knew it was fab for certain things such as a hair conditioner, but I didn’t know just how many benefits the essential oil could have. Great post!
So this is interesting! I didn’t know it could be used to help with acne.
Oh wow I didnt even know! I love rosemary though so I will definitely be checking out more products made from it!
I didn’t know there were so many benefits to it, thanks for sharing this!
I had no idea rosemary essential oil is that important, I will definitely start using it a lot more. Thanks a lot.
This is great to know, I better make sure I have this on hand as the weather changes here in Iowa. Thanks for sharing the info!
I had no idea that rosemary was so good for your body and your mind. I’ve only ever cooked with it and used the oils to help me sleep.
I really love the smell of rosemary but didn’t realise how many benefits it has! I may have to buy some of the essential oil to try out.
Wow. I didn’t know about this, thanks for posting!
I didn’t know that rosemary has so many benefits. I would definitely give it a try.
I had no idea rosemary was good for so many things. Thanks!
This is really a new thing for me…i will try it definitely…thanks for sharing
ohhh then i have to try it! I only knew about the hair care effects but now that it’s for our health as well i will definitely try it.
I definitely need this amazing oil in my life! Thanks for great info!
Ain’t this oil some magic. So many benefits. I’m surely gonna try for head aches n all….
I have never used rosemary oil. Never knew it has so many great benefits will surely start using now.
Very well written dear. Dint know that Rosemary has so much of benefits and it can be used in hair maintenance. Thank you for the awesome write up.
Wow!! Rosemary Essential Oil has so many benefits!!
i love the aromatic benefits of the oil of rosemary – so fragrant and so uplifting.
Wow.. Rosemary oil has so many health benefits. I didn’t know all these eairler… Thanks for the information..
I wasn’t aware of these numerous benefits of Rosemary oil. Thanks for sharing these insights.
Romemary oil had do much benefits & qualities, I haf no clue of that. Thank for sharing.
Never knew that rosemary oil has so many health benefits. Thanks for this awesome post.
Woah! I wasn’t aware of Rosemary oil before reading this post. I thought rosemary are just for cooking.
First time hear so much benefits of Rosemary oil.. Thanks for giving so concern topic
wonderful post. Really detailed post about Rosemary oil. I like to use it myself various ways.
Never used rosemary in any form. But now i come to know that this one essential oil has so many hair, skin, and health benefits. Now will add this oil too in my usage. Thanks for sharing
Such an informative post, thanks for sharing so many benefits of rosemary essential oil.
That’s a detailed post and you have covered almost all the benefits of rosemary essential oil, I was not aware of many benefits it has. Thanks for sharing this.
I used rosemary is cooking but never knew it had so many health benefits. Thanks for sharing.
Indeed Rosemary oil is a must in our lives. I have been using it for my hair care, shall try for acne as well.
Never heard of rosemary oil for anything other than eating! Thanks for the info.