Beauty Blog Makeup

Easy Monsoon Makeup Tips

August 5, 2019

Finally Monsoons are here. .. It’s my favourite season. I just love rains. Rains make everything looks beautiful. Monsoon provides soothing effect to your body just after experiencing the burning sensation of heat over your skin layer during summer.

Rain can even melt the makeup which you have applied over your face if proper protection based make up is not applied. But, if you can apply some tips on make up for monsoon season, you can look dazzling and beautiful even in this particular season.

ALSO READ – 11 Easy Monsoon Makeup Tips

There are few who might rely on waterproof makeup. But do you really think that even a waterproof product is good during this season? Definitely not. The next question is what we do to avoid heavy makeup and yet look good. Well read on to get some really amazing makeup tips to enhance your beauty in rainy season-

Easy Monsoon Makeup Tips


When it comes to using moisturizers nothing works better than the water-based variety. These are known to effectively keep water loss from perspiration, in addition to skin oiliness and acne, at bay.


To build a smear-proof  base always use a primer. It acts as a natural shield for dust, water and also helps reduce perspiration through the pores, which keeps your makeup in place longer.

Water Proof Foundation

Try to avoid foundation as much as you can, unless you like getting messed up. Instead replace foundation with face powder. This to an extent will help in keeping the look intact even if you get drenched. However even while using face powder see to it that you use only as much as you need it.

In other words use face powder to get rid of that greasy look and nothing more. If you really need to apply foundation try to go for waterproof or liquid foundation.


Cream-based blush tints glide on the skin like velvet and get absorbed giving your cheeks a sense of natural flush. Use cream blushers instead of powder or any other type of blushes in the monsoon.

Use as less blush as you possibly can. Even if you get wet in rain remember to just dab it with a tissue and not rub it all over your face.

Let it look natural and not like a cakey look. Peach, pink and brown are fabulous shades for the wet season. Use more pastel colours during monsoon. Keep it subtle and beautiful.

Eye Shadow

Use subtle colours like beige, brown, pink.  When it comes to eye shadows use powdered eye shadows instead of creams. This will keep the eye shadow from melting off on your face.


Mascara should be a strict NO-NO during rainy season, until and unless it is very much necessary. Select water resistant mascaras that will at least stay for a while without getting smudged when wet.


Maintain your eyebrows in perfect shape during the rains. This is because you may not be able to whip out your eyebrow pencil and use it during a heavy spell of rain.

Eyeliner and Kajal

 Use pencil liner then liquid eye liner in the monsoon. This will keep it from running all over your face when you get wet. Apply smudge proof and waterproof eye kajal. For eye makeup that will last, consider using a kohl pencil to create the perfect cat eye, or even smudging a chubby eye crayon into a smoky eye look. Eyeliner pencils tend to be waxy and therefore will stay put when the water starts splashing your way.

ALSO READ – VLCC 3D Youth Boost Sunscreen Gel Creme SPF40 PA +++

Lip Colour

Outlining and shading in your lips with a matte pencil will make for great all-day lip colour. Settle down with long lasting range of lipsticks during monsoon. Matte is the best choice. Avoid lip gloss as it will get sticky and smudge easily when you get wet. Use dark colour lipsticks as it will make you look a shade lighter than your actual complexion and also stay longer.

Make-up Setting Spray

Once your face is complete and you’ve used your primers and waterproof cosmetics, there’s an additional step that can help your makeup weather the storms — finishing sprays.


Do not leave your hair open during monsoons. Tie it up in a neat bun and use hair accessories instead to accentuate your look. Monsoon is not the season to try out very elaborate hairstyles. The hassle of keeping them in place is too much. Stick to simple hairstyles like layers and bangs.

These were few Easy Monsoon Makeup Tips which you can follow in monsoon and look beautiful and forget getting worried about makeup to get washed out. The rains can’t stop you from having gorgeous face.

Thanks For Reading,



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  • Reply Melissa Cushing July 4, 2024 at 1:05 pm

    Loving these makeup tips perfect for Monsoon season! Great tips for sure and good for me here where it is super humid too. I have to chekc out a few of these products 😉

  • Reply Jaishree July 4, 2024 at 10:38 am

    These monsoon makeup tips are so practical and helpful! I especially appreciate the advice on using waterproof products and the importance of setting sprays. Do you have any recommendations for specific brands that work well in humid conditions? Thanks for sharing these great tips!

  • Reply Hari July 4, 2024 at 6:05 am

    These monsoon makeup tips will be pretty helpful for my sisters. Will share this post with them!

  • Reply Rosey July 3, 2024 at 5:09 pm

    I didn’t know face powder was better than foundation for getting wet! You learn something new every day. 🙂

  • Reply Charleston LisaLisa July 3, 2024 at 5:09 pm

    These are some great makeup tips and I’m going to share them with my oldest daughters who wear makeup. Thanks

  • Reply Tammy July 3, 2024 at 4:31 pm

    In the summer, primer is a must! With all the humidity it really helps things keep in place and keep the skin from getting to shiny. Great products!

  • Reply Beth July 3, 2024 at 4:07 pm

    This was a super interesting read. We don’t have monsoons here, so it’s pretty crazy to think about having to take special care with my makeup for huge deluges.

  • Reply Lavanda July 3, 2024 at 2:44 pm

    These are great tips for monsoon-proof eye makeup! Using a pencil liner first, followed by a liquid eyeliner, sounds like a smart way to ensure it stays put despite the rain. Waterproof and smudge-proof kajal is definitely a must-have in unpredictable weather.

  • Reply Rachel Mouton July 3, 2024 at 1:50 pm

    We don’t have monsoons down here in Louisiana but we do have humidity that makes it feel like a monsoon. Thank you for the great tips!

  • Reply Yeah Lifestyle July 3, 2024 at 1:43 pm

    Thank you for all of your great tips. It rained heavy in the UK today and I always worry that makeup will be smudged or start washing off – I will definitely take your advice.

  • Reply karen July 3, 2024 at 12:29 pm

    This is so cool! I had no idea monsoon affects makeup, it turned out it does. Thank you so much for the tips and information, they’re great.

  • Reply Samantha Donnelly July 3, 2024 at 12:09 pm

    Great tips to have the perfect skin and make up during monsoon. this has reminded me I need a new eyeliner

  • Reply Jupiter Hadley July 3, 2024 at 8:23 am

    I really find makeup so interesting, but haven’t quite dived in myself. Thank you for sharing these makeup tips.

  • Reply PRB September 24, 2019 at 7:13 am

    Hadn’t heard of the make up setting spray! will get one next time I visit home. Thanks for writing this.

  • Reply Rashmi Singh August 7, 2019 at 3:30 am

    These monsoon make up tips are really helpful for me, will surely follow them. Thanks for sharing

  • Reply Papri Ganguly August 7, 2019 at 2:19 am

    You have shared some pro tips on the topic. Yes, waterproof makeup and setting spray is a must during monsoon.

  • Reply Sarah August 7, 2019 at 12:30 am

    These tips are great and a must-follow in monsoons.
    Especially avoiding mascara and opting for a after makeup setting spray is something I had been missing out on.

  • Reply Snigdha August 6, 2019 at 6:47 pm

    Water proof makeup stuffs are must during monsoon. Your tips are really helpful to keep the makeup for longer period of time .

  • Reply The Kardashian Clan August 6, 2019 at 6:22 pm

    Some of these tips are very helpful for the girls out there and for those who have Make in their routine. Gonna share it with my friends.

  • Reply Judy Morris August 6, 2019 at 5:44 pm

    These are some great tips for doing makeup in monsoon.. I will checkout Nyx Makeup setting spray for sure.

  • Reply AnukritiLovesReading August 6, 2019 at 5:15 pm

    A setting spray is a must in monsoon. One can’t step out in this unpredictable weather without it.

  • Reply Noor Anand Chawla August 6, 2019 at 12:27 pm

    This is a very comprehensive post for all makeup users and lovers. Monsoon season can be very tricky and making the makeup last is a task. These are good tips!

  • Reply Amrit Kaur August 6, 2019 at 12:16 pm

    You have mentioned some nice monsoon tips which we should take note of during rainy season.

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