Women usually put-on weight on their butt very easily, one of the reasons behind is Estrogen (it is a hormone in the body which increases the fat cells in women which usually causes gaining weight on the butt). Check out Easy Ways to Bring Back Your Booty in Shape.
Hormones usually tends to accumulate the fat around the pelvis, buttocks, and thighs areas of women.
Usually, Women have a higher percentage of body fat than males in their body.
It is really difficult to reduce the fat deposited on the pelvis, buttocks and thighs than it is to reduce it from other parts of the body.
There is no permanent treatment to reduce the fat from the butt area but there are few things which can include in our lifestyle to tone it or minimize the appearance of the fat on the butt area.
Like many women even I have put on lot of fat on my butt area and was concerned how to reduce it. I know exercise and eating healthy will definitely help me but was thinking of trying some alternative thing too or any Easy Ways to Bring Back Your Booty in Shape so I happened to see this Namyaa Brazilian Bum Cream online and thought of trying it out.
I read in the description of the product that it works good for enhancing the look of the butt. This cream helps to improve the shape of the butt effectively. It firms the butt well and doesn’t have any kind of side effects on the skin.
It is really affordable it is for Rs 1200 (usually might get it for lesser price on discount)
So, I have been using this Cream for a while now and I could really see a difference in my butt shape. It has helped in toning my butt area and it looks firmer than before. I can see the difference in my butt size too and I got compliments too from my friends and family that my butt looks firmer than before. This cream is really very easy to use. I feel this is Easy Ways to Bring Back Your Booty in Shape.
Namyaa Brazilian Bum Cream has certified ingredients with the break through expertise of the Western science. It targets the development of fatty tissues.
It helps to get firmer butts in an easy way. Its very easy to use and doesn’t take lot of time to see the results too.
It is very affordable unlike expensive butt implants or any kind of surgery to reduce the butt size. It is also really very safe on the skin.
This cream is best and safe and it’s a natural alternative to lift the booty and enhances the shape of the butt.
One thing I really like about this cream is that it doesn’t have any harmful chemicals or any synthetic fragrances or harsh metals or any artificial colours.
All the ingredients in this cream are especially formulated with the natural goodness of Chamomile, Nutmeg, Macadamia seed oil etc.

Namyaa Brazilian Booty Lift Cream is very simple to use. You just have to take the cream in your hand and apply and massage on the butt area till the cream is completely absorbed in the skin.
It is recommended to use this cream twice a day morning and night for minimum 6weeks to see the desired results.
You can also do this too to help tone your butt-
- Exercise can work really get to tone the lower body well. You can do yoga or any kid of stretching exercises to tone the body.
- Eating Healthy is one the best things you can do to be fit and not accumulate the fat in the body. Avoid Junk food, reduce the intake of salt, include more veggies and fruits in the diet. Add more protein in your diet and eat clean.
- You can also go for Ayurveda Massages or Spas sometimes which helps in blood circulation in the body.
If you have too put-on weight on your butt area and want to try a natural alternative you should definitely try this Namyaa Brazilian Booty Lift Cream religiously for minimum 6 weeks two times a day morning and night and see the desired results. It is really not that expensive unlike the surgery or implants I think you can try it if you want to tone and make your butt look firmer and in good shape.
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Thanks for Reading,
I really not aware about this product. Heard a lot of positive review about the product. The product really looks promising. Thanks for sharing honest review about this Namyaa Bum Cream.
Namyaa Brazilian Bum Cream sounds promising in shaping the bums. Would love to check out
I have just heard about this cream and reading good reviews too.. thanks for sharing
This cream seems very promising as it contains very effective ingredients. Your review is very effective.
this is a good product you have found. a firm and toned butt goes a long way in aesthetics and definitely, it feels good to be toned. so along with exercises, a cream that can help with toning and firming is a great find.
This brand has some wonderful products for us. Among all of them this one might be the most interesting one. Would definitely try.
I have never heard of this cream. It looks awesome, and if it works, I am all for that!
Wow never knew of a product like this existed, great to know and will be useful for many of us.
Although, I have not heard of this, but I have been looking for something like this as exercise along may not work. Thanks for sharing this.
This is interesting. This is actually my first time to read about a bum cream but definitely worth the try as I personally want to lose some fats around that area.
I have never heard of this, very interesting. I think I need to start doing more squats at this point and start toning up.
I want to know the effect after you stop using it. However, your review is extremely good!
This is interesting; I’m intrigued as to how a cream is meant to help your body get back into shape. I’ve heard squats are a great exercise if you’re looking to ‘lift’ your butt, but I have awful balance, so every time I try to attempt them, it doesn’t end well!
Interesting read. However, I’m curious to know if your butt will still be firm after you stop using it. I would love an update on that.
I have never heard of this cream, I’d be interested to see before and after pictures!
Thats a cool product, was not aware of such a product. I never thought of using, but its something essential I agree
This is good for those who need booty reinforcement stat.
I have no idea that there is a particular product to use in toning your butt. I will definitely checking this out.
This would definitely be helpful, can’t wait to share this with my friends
Great,this will definitely be helpful.. Thanks for sharing
OMG! This is so cleaver! Though I think I already have fat on my butt already, it does needs shaping though.
That’s amazing that this Brazilian bum cream really works! Yes, like many women, I also easily gain weight on my butt!