Beauty Blog Makeup

Eye Mistakes You may be Making

March 9, 2017

Hi all..

Don’t you hate seeing eye makeup mistakes on women?

Of course, very few of us are actually experts in this area but some eye makeup mistakes are easy to spot from a mile away.

Sometimes we are actually making these mistakes but don’t realize it until we have a little bit of information to shed some light on the subject.

ALSO READ – How to Apply Makeup in 5 mins or Less

Let’s talk about some of the most common eye makeup mistakes here.

Eye Mistakes You may be Making

Not Wearing in Eye Makeup

One of the biggest eye makeup mistakes is not wearing anything on eyes.

Some of us need it more than others and some of us need less than others.

I know for myself, my eyes disappear into my face without some eye makeup to give them definition.At the very least we can apply some kajal and few coats of mascara.

Spiky Eyelashes

I love putting Mascara. But you can certainly make mistakes with mascara, too.

If the end result of your mascara is spiky lashes, you are probably wearing too much. You have to be careful about this one.  Try not to coat more than 3 layers of mascara or else It might look weird and unattractive.

ALSO READ – How to Apply Makeup for Beginners

Shimmer/ Sparkle

I love sparkly or shimmery eye shadow and it can be worn beautifully, but it is also possible to go too far with the sparkle. I think the best way to wear sparkle is moderately.

If that is the only thing that people see when they look at you, it may be time to tone it down. Use matte eye shadow instead of shimmer ones. It stays for long and looks pretty to on eyes.

Be careful with Eyeliner

Almost all girls like wearing eye liner on their eyes but be careful there are certainly mistakes that can be made with the eyeliner.

Try not to apply too much eyeliner which can make it too thick.

Stay away from Light Blue

I have seen many girls wearing blue kajal pencil on their waterline which kind of looks pretty on most of them but not on everyone. See your eye colour and the makeup whether it is gonna compliment your makeup or can make you look weird and then decide whether to wear blue eye pencil or no.

You can try wearing blue eye shadow.

Don’t get Too Much Eye Makeup

Just like you can wear too little eye makeup, you can also wear too much. Your eye makeup should not look like paint by number set with eyeliner and mascara applied so thick that your eyelids look heavy. You can wear several colours but wear them tastefully and blend them well.

If you are unsure if you make this mistake with your eye makeup, ask a trusted but honest friend.

Not Considering Your Eye Colour and Eye Shape

You know, we have to consider our own unique eye colour and shape.

People with different eye colour and eye shape can complement different eye shadows and eye makeup.

In India most of the people have either brown or black eyes so it can compliment different eye shadow and eye makeup on different eye colour and shape.

If you are unsure what colours are best for you, do a little research.

These are a few eye makeup mistakes that women make. What are some others that you have noticed? Let me know in comment section more about the mistakes you know or have noticed on other people.

Thanks for Reading,



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  • Reply Krysten Quiles October 15, 2021 at 2:36 pm

    I’m usually a less as more girl. I want to add a little to boost my eyes, but not so much that I look overly made up. And because my lashes are blonde on the tips, mascara is a must.

  • Reply Rosey October 15, 2021 at 10:43 am

    You’re right about blue. It looks good on some people, but weird on others. I think the same thing about red lipstick. Some people look great it in, but I can’t pull it off. It makes me look like a clown.

  • Reply Renata Feyen October 14, 2021 at 8:54 pm

    The mascara spikes could be a great make-up for Halloween, maybe

  • Reply Halloween Decoration October 14, 2021 at 2:46 pm

    Awesome tips! Thank you so much!!! I’ve been doing most of these mistakes lol…

  • Reply Emily Fata October 14, 2021 at 1:06 pm

    Mastering the art of eye makeup is definitely important before going out in public looking silly. These are great tips!

  • Reply Lyosha October 14, 2021 at 9:23 am

    I am actually all in for creativity and fun makeup but when it goes to daily makeup your tips are working just fine. and yes no eye makeup is definitely bad for your makeup

  • Reply Stephanie October 14, 2021 at 1:19 am

    My eyes tend to disappear, too. I wear just a bit of eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow every day. But I definitely don’t go overboard!

  • Reply Kristin July 10, 2021 at 11:40 am

    Such good points and I love the too much photos. I’m a minimalist but as I age my eyebrows are thinning and gray. I think that is something that makes such a difference in a face.

  • Reply Clarice July 8, 2021 at 2:19 pm

    Oh no! I am guilty. I am just sooo lazy to wear eye make up but yes, I agree with you. It’s a big mistake not to wear one. Will make sure to at least put on some mascara next time.

    By the way, the photos are funny. 😛

  • Reply Shar July 7, 2021 at 12:49 pm

    Very true… these eye make up mistakes can often go unnoticed… but not always! Better wear simple make up than to be sorry later on. Light make up is easier to accomplish and looks more natural too.

  • Reply Sudipta July 7, 2021 at 12:28 pm

    This was a pretty informative post about common eye makeup mistakes. I picked up a few tips. So, thanks.

  • Reply pooja Malkani July 7, 2021 at 5:22 am

    To be honest, I am bad at doing makeup especially eyes. SO for me this is a useful guide. I am sure I have been making a lot of mistakes

  • Reply Alvern July 6, 2021 at 8:18 pm

    I have the most sensitive eyes that you can find in this part of the world. The moment I put on eye makeup, my eyes feel itchy and sometimes they can start springing water. So, I only wear makeup when I absolutely need it.

  • Reply Lyosha July 6, 2021 at 6:32 pm

    great tips and photos made me laugh so hard! awesome

  • Reply MELANIE EDJOURIAN July 6, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    I need all the tips I can get when it comes to eye makeup. I don’t wear it often which doesn’t give me much practice.

  • Reply Sienny Yong March 18, 2017 at 1:12 am

    Learning up useful tips sharing by you, bravo & thanks 😉 cheers, SiennyLovesDrawing

  • Reply Nisha March 12, 2017 at 3:16 am

    These pictures are hilarious. Spider lashes are horrible

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