Beauty Blog Makeup

What happens to our Skin if we Sleep with Makeup

October 16, 2016

Hi all..

Sometimes we become too lazy to remove makeup and we just go to sleep. Here are few things which happen to our skin if we don’t remove makeup and sleep.

The thought of washing your face at night can sometimes be as appealing as curling up with a textbook.

Whole day makeup including sweat, oil, dust from the environment makes your skin dull. This might even be prematurely ageing skin.

During the day, skin is in protection mode keeping your complexion free from harmful rays and free radicals. At night, your skin goes into repair mode — creating healthy cells, regenerating levels of collagen, and more. By sleeping in your makeup, your skin has to work way harder to get through all that dirt and grime.



Here are the following things can happen to your face if you sleep with it-


  • Pores will not be happy

Makeup can actually stretch the pore and make it look bigger. By removing your makeup and cleansing your skin, you’re giving those poor pores a chance to stay clean and healthy.

You don’t need a complicated skincare regimen for glowing skin, a simple routine totally suffices. Focus on the fundamentals: cleansing to remove dirt and oil, exfoliating to shed old skin cells and encourage cell renewal, and moisturising to balance oil and water levels in the skin.




  • Skin will get Dry

Your skin will get dry by the time its night. Makeup sucks your moisturise of skin. Removing the makeup gives your skin the chance to breathe and recalibrate its moisture levels.




  • Bring Pollution to Bed


Yes you read right you will get dirt to your bed your pillow. Your face gathers all sort of dust, dirt, oil and pollution throughout the day and if you don’t remove before sleeping you bringing them on your bed.


  • Invitation for acne/pimples



Yes you are inviting acne because of the build-up of bacteria, oil, dirt and dust on your face. You will break out if you don’t remove your makeup. So what you want sleep without removing makeup and inviting those yucky pimples or get up don’t be lazy remove your makeup and sleep without stress of getting pimples.


  • Skin will get Irritated

Our skin is sensitive and it’s been with you many places with you for work or some other purpose. And then thinking its hanging around all night. Makeup that might be fine for 8 to 10 hours can actually create a negative reaction to the skin when left it not removed. And if you’re already prone to sensitivity, sleeping with makeup can trigger skin issues.






So why to give pain and trouble to your lovely face. Don’t be lazy and moody go remove your makeup cleanse with a good face cleanser moisturise it and then go to bed happily. These were few things which can happen to your skin if you don’t remove the makeup before sleeping. I hope now after reading this you will never feel lazy or forget to remove the makeup before going to sleep.


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