
Monsoon Skincare Tips for All Skin Types

July 30, 2020

Finally monsoons have started. Rainy season is my favorite season. I love when it rains but the humidity usually messes up the skincare routine.  Rains and humidity can make your skin look dull and expose you to bacterial and fungal infection. Check out Monsoon Skincare Tips for All Skin Types in the post today.

Monsoon is a season that demands extra care for the skin. It is the time when the immunity level of our body tends to be low. This can be due to infections that are surrounded everywhere. Just like how it affects our health, so it does to the skin. If you do not take a proper care of your skin, it can lead to many other skin-related issues like rashes, pimples, eczema, etc.

Don’t be depressed about shiny skin and break-outs; try these simple monsoon skincare tricks to keep you looking fresh. These tips will ensure you have a happy and pretty monsoon.

Monsoon Skincare Tips for All Skin Types

1 Cleanse your face more frequently

Cleansing is very important for the skin, especially during the monsoon season. Make sure that you use a mild face wash to avoid any kind of an infection.

Excess build up, oil and grime tend to settle on the skin and it’s best to wash it off before it clogs pores. Opt for a mild face wash that will leave your skin feeling clean and fresh.

Don’t forget to cleanse your face two to three times a day. Cleansing is one of the important Easy Monsoon Skincare Tips.

Also read – 14 Amazing Benefits of Rosehip Oil

2  Tone your Face

Follow up by using a toner to balance the pH levels of your skin. Toning helps to remove the excess dirt that cleansing could not do. Due to exposure to the rain, the skin pores tend to be clogged. Toning helps in hydrating the clogged pores. Do not forget to tone your skin once in a day to remove the excess dirt.

3 Exfoliation

Monsoon season have high chances of skin infections and bacteria. Exfoliation is necessary for maintaining the skin and removing the dead cells on your skin. Make sure that you exfoliate your skin once or twice in a week to make your skin look fresh and healthy. Use a mild scrub that will gently sough off dead skin cells and piled up dirt. Toning of the face is also very important Monsoon Skincare Tips

4 Moisturise your skin

Just because it’s humid, does not mean your skin doesn’t need a moisturiser. Humidity can dehydrate your skin and make it dull. Use a lightweight moisturiser or water based moisturiser that offers a matte finish.


5 Drink Water- Keep yourself hydrated

Drinking water helps in keeping the skin hydrated, especially during the monsoon season. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water in a day will help in keeping the skin healthy and keep all other skin problems away. This will also help in flushing away the toxins and maintaining a fresh-looking skin.

ALSO READ –  Dermavive Hydra Cleanser

6 Use Sunscreen

Sunscreen is an important skin care product that you cannot avoid. Be it any season, sunscreen is something which remains permanent throughout every season. It is a myth that sunscreen can only be used during the summer season. Overcast may hide the sun, but its UV rays are still present and can harm your skin.

Choose a sunscreen suitable for your skin type and wear it whenever you step outside your house.

7 Avoid Heavy Makeup

It is recommended not to use makeup during the rainy season, as it is the time when our skin tends to face many skin-related issues. Just apply some lip gloss and a light powder when you step outside your home. Avoid using heavy makeup during this season.

ALSO READ – 11 Essential Monsoon Hair Care Tips 

Avoid heavy makeup as it can clog your pores. Humidity is breeding ground for bacteria, you’re also more prone to breaking out this season.

Try to avoid heavy foundations and concealers, not only do they look cakey but they can also block pores. A little waterproof mascara and gel eyeliner with some lipstick is the most we’d suggest for daily wear. Avoiding heavy makeup is also Easy Monsoon Skincare Tips.

Basic Care

  • Whole fruit is better than fruit juice.
  • Do not consume packaged fruit juice.
  • Allow your feet to breathe. Wear open footwear as closed shoes can trap sweat and water that could lead to fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Substitute vegetable oil with olive oil.
  • Do not deep fry the vegetables in oil, as it will kill all the nutrients.
  • Include green and fresh vegetables in your diet.
  • Avoid chemical treatments
    Chemical treatments like bleach and extensive facials can be kept on hold during monsoon.
  • Clean your skin care tools
    It is even more important to keep your makeup brushes and sponges clean and dry during monsoon to prevent skin and bacterial infections.
  • Use tea-tree oil
    Face oils might not sound like a great idea when your skin is already oily and greasy but tea-tree oil is a great anti-bacterial agent and works well to eliminate acne.

These were the simple 7 Easy Monsoon Skincare Tips which you can follow and keep your skin beautiful in monsoon season. And finally, what is the secret of your glowing skin? How are you taking care of your skin this rainy season? Do share in comments below.

Thanks for Reading,



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  • Reply vidya June 30, 2023 at 6:35 pm

    thanks for these tips.. we sometimes forget that skincare is important all through the year regardless of the weather

  • Reply Monidipa Dutta June 30, 2023 at 2:07 pm

    Your monsoon skincare tips for all skin types are fantastic! The article offers practical advice and easy-to-follow tips to keep our skin healthy and glowing during the rainy season. It’s a must-read for anyone looking to take care of their skin during this time.

  • Reply Marysa June 30, 2023 at 1:27 am

    I’m glad to hear you are enjoying the monsoon season, and adapting to it using the best skincare. These are great tips!

  • Reply Jupiter Hadley August 29, 2022 at 6:29 am

    The rain is coming here too! Thank you so much for these tips, I am trying to take better care of my skin.

  • Reply Tammy August 27, 2022 at 9:16 pm

    Humidity is the worst. It’s been so humid here this summer and my skin has been suffering like never before. This is such a helpful post for me. Thank you for these tips! I hope they work to help clear up my skin.

  • Reply Lisa at August 27, 2022 at 12:58 pm

    These are really interesting skincare tips. I didn’t know what a monsoon was before, but I do most of these things all the time. Drinking water is so important.

  • Reply Beth August 27, 2022 at 8:34 am

    This was such an interesting read. We don’t have monsoons here, but I do change my skincare routine based on the seasons. I loved learning how you take care of your skin during the rainy season.

  • Reply Stephanie August 27, 2022 at 1:49 am

    Where I live, it’s always humid and rainy so this is good to know. I sometimes forget about moisturizer during the most humid months, but I’ve gotta keep at it.

  • Reply Papri Ganguly September 6, 2020 at 3:03 pm

    Monsoon comes with a lot of skin and hair issues every year. But no more worries now we have this informative post to deal with such skin and hair issues cause during monsoon.

  • Reply Preeti Tiwari September 6, 2020 at 2:15 pm

    Wow…these are some amazing tips you have shared. Cleaning, toning and moisturizing really works well for me. Thanks for sharing

  • Reply Snigdha September 6, 2020 at 1:28 pm

    During monsoon skin needs extra care . Your pointers are very helpful in this case .minimal makeup is definitely a good tip.

  • Reply Dr Bushra September 6, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    Agree we need proper monsoon care routine both via healthy food diet as well right way to use products. These tips going to help a lot

  • Reply Mrinal Kiran September 6, 2020 at 11:21 am

    These are some great tips for a clear, glowing skin… Thank you for sharing these with us! Very helpful!

  • Reply Siddhi September 6, 2020 at 10:47 am

    These are some very helpful tips. I haven’t come across such tips before. Esply the bit about heavy makeup. I am not much into it but these will be surely helpful to those who are into cosmetic products. I will surely follow the other tips.

  • Reply Sandy N Vyjay September 6, 2020 at 9:08 am

    These are valuable skincare tips for monsoon, which comes with its own challenges for the skin. staying hydrated and not goinng for chemical treatment is really sound advice.

  • Reply Shreemayee Chattoppadhyay September 6, 2020 at 4:49 am

    Those are such helpful tips for keeping skin healthy and flawless even in monsoon. Thanks for this.

  • Reply Ambica Gulati September 6, 2020 at 2:33 am

    This reminds me that I need to increase my water intake. Is tea tree oil applied directly or we need to mix it with some other oil?

  • Reply Vaishali Sudan Sharma September 5, 2020 at 10:08 pm

    Ahh !! This is need of an hour.Monsoon is really freaking everyone out. Breakouts, itchy scalp, acne has taken a toll. Definitely a good read to those are are suffering very much from the monsoon bad skin.

  • Reply Humaira September 5, 2020 at 1:44 pm

    These skincare tips can help us to tackle any monsoon skin problems. Monsoon skincare routine is a must that’ll help us to protect our skin. Great thoughts.

  • Reply colossalumbrella August 9, 2020 at 10:32 am

    Great tips!! I can follow few of these to have a glowing skin. I keep myself hydrated and this really helps me keeps my skin clean and healthy

  • Reply Ketki Sharangpani August 7, 2020 at 4:12 pm

    Really useful tips to have on hand during the wet and rainy season. I especially love using waterproof makeup as it doesn’t run off.

  • Reply Lyosha Varezhkina August 7, 2020 at 8:32 am

    Yes! Right to the point! that is something we all need for our skin no matter what type, color or age our skin is.

  • Reply musingsandadventureswriter August 7, 2020 at 12:18 am

    Monsoon skin care…interesting. I guess monsoons also affect skin with all the dust and humidity around. Great tips!

  • Reply Di Hickman August 6, 2020 at 9:00 pm

    Oooh good reminder to clean skin care tools and brushes! I haven’t done that in forever!

  • Reply Eric Gamble August 6, 2020 at 7:35 pm

    Great tips on proper skincare during monsoon season no matter what your skin type is. I was kind of shocked that you said that the rain & humidity of monsoon season actually mess up your skin because I would have thought just the opposite. With all the dampness in the air, you skin would be well hydrated and less prone to cracking, flaking, or overall dryness.
    But either way, I love the routine, especially with recommendations like drinking plenty of water and using moisturizers and sunscreen. Those last two are always key but the Drinking of Plenty of water is probably the most important for overall health too!

  • Reply Charlotte Petit Noble August 6, 2020 at 4:30 pm

    I do have the same routine. I completely agree with your points. Use sunscreen is the most important one to me.

  • Reply Kristine Nicole Alessandra August 6, 2020 at 3:49 pm

    I believe that the best skincare should start from the inside. Staying hydrated and eating well is the first step we must do to keep our skin healthy. Cleansing regularly is also very important. Thanks for your tips.

  • Reply Trisha Agrawal August 6, 2020 at 2:26 pm

    I follow most steps usually but have been getting lazy lately. It was a good reminder to get back on the skin care track and drink tons of water. Thanks for this.

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