Beauty Review

Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil Review

June 16, 2018
Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil

Hi all,

Today I will be reviewing Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil. Used by the Egyptians for promoting beautiful and radiant skin, geranium oil is now used to treat acne, reduce inflammation, alleviate anxiety and balance hormones. This sweet-smelling oil can also uplift your mood, lessen fatigue and promote emotional wellness.


Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil

Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil


Geranium oil is nontoxic, non-irritant and generally non-sensitizing — and the therapeutic properties of include being an antidepressant, an antiseptic and wound-healing. Geranium oil may also be one of the best oils for such diverse dermatological problems as oily or congested skin, eczema, and dermatitis.

Geranium oil is extracted through steam distillation of stems and leaves of the geranium plant. The main components of this oil include alpha pinene, myrcene, limonene, menthone, linalool, geranyl acetate, citronellol, geraniol and geranyl butyrate.

Product Description-

Geranium leaves not only served as decorative pieces but also as a consumable fresh sprig. Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil carries the same potent aroma and beautifying properties that have served the Egyptians and Victorian era people since generations. The oil is extracted from the whole plant using steam distillation technique.

It not only promotes the appearance of clear skin and healthy hair but also helps in calming the nerves and lessening stress. Geranium oil has been known to promote peace by releasing negativity since ages. Its main constituents include Citronellol, citronellyl formate, and geraniol.


Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil

Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil

Benefits & Usage

  • Serves as an emotional healing oil with its heart-centre inherent properties. Helps in regaining the trust in the world, manage overwhelming emotions, and open up or express subdued emotions.
  • Beautifies skin, widely used in aromatherapy steam facial.
  • Serves as a great hair conditioner for both dry and oily hair upon adding a few drops in the shampoo or conditioner.
  • Brings a calming effect upon use in a diffuser.

Also Read – Benefits of Rosemary Essential Oil


How to use

Add 3-4 Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil drops in the diffuser for positive and relaxed room ambiance.

For topical use, dilute with Rey Naturals Fractioned Coconut Oil and apply 1-2 drops to the desired area for minimizing any skin sensitivity.


Rey Naturals is a new brand in the market and they are 100%  Pure and Natural.


Price –  Rs 899 for 30ml

Buy from Rey Naturals, Nykaa

Experience using Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil


Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil

Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil


Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil comes in a white and pink cardboard packaging with all details printed on the box. Box packaging looks classy. Inside the box is the oil. The bottle is made of glass and it is blue in colour. It also comes with a dropper to take the oil according to the requirement.

The oil texture is not too oily unlike other oils. It absorbs in to the skin within few minutes.


Also Read – Rey Naturals Sandalwood Essential Oil Review

The colour of the oil is light pale colour. The oil has beautiful fragrance which stays for a while. I just love the fragrance of the oil. The oil comes with  a dropper which is great.


Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil

Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil


Enhance your daily skin care routine by adding a little dose of Geranium oil. Use one to two drops of Geranium oil on your face daily to promote a glowing, even skin tone. Geranium essential oil has been cherished for centuries for its skin beautifying benefits, and there is a reason why!
Geranium oil is ideal for massages. The properties of Geranium oil will help promote the appearance of healthy skin while also providing a grounding and calming effect to emotions.

Also Read – Top Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil


Adding a few drops of Geranium oil to your shampoo and conditioner will give your hairs radiant and healthy glow.
After a shower, apply Geranium essential oil to your skin to give it a smoothing effect. One of Geranium’s key benefits is promoting the appearance of clear and healthy skin.


Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil

Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil


Aromatherapy steam facials are a great way to open your pores and renew your skin. The best steam facial includes herbs or essential oils. Create your own steam facial with Geranium essential oil. The properties of Geranium will help beautify the skin while you are receiving the cleansing benefits of the steam facial.
I use this geranium essential oil for my skin care as well as in diffuser. I mix carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil or any other essential oil like Rosemary, Lavender, Rosehip, Tea Tree Oil for my skin care.

I mix any of the one or two of other carrier or essential oil and apply on my face. The oil gets absorbed in my skin within few minutes without making my skin oily or greasy. I usually use this oil at night time. I also mix this oil in oher carrier oil and apply on my hairs too.

I have been using this oil for few weeks now and I overall like the oil. It moisturises my skin and makes it soft and smooth. I overall loved this oil.


Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil

Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil


Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil

Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil


Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil

Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium Oil Side Effects

Geranium oil is usually applied to the skin, and some people can develop a rash or burning sensation. It’s best to test the oil on a small area first. Geranium oil can also cause eye irritation if applied to the face. If you take geranium oil by mouth, stick to consuming it in smaller amounts because the safety of the oil when taken in larger amounts is not known.

Geranium oil should not be used on babies and young children due to the delicate nature of their skin and the possibility of toxicity.

It’s best to dilute geranium oil with a carrier oil when you are applying it directly to the skin. Try mixing geranium oil with equal parts coconut, jojoba or olive oil.

Ratings – 4/5


Yes I will definitely recommend Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil to everyone.  It is 100% Pure & Natural. They have other variants of essential as well as carried oil. I will definitely try some other oils from them soon.

Have you tried using Rey Naturals Geranium Essential Oil? Do share your valuable comments in the comment section below.

Thanks for Reading,



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  • Reply Becca Wilson June 20, 2018 at 6:40 pm

    This oil sounds like something that would benefit me a lot! I have been looking more and more in to them.

  • Reply scotthgilliland June 20, 2018 at 10:59 am

    I think my girlfriend would be very interested in these oils! I will have to share this with her and check if we can get it back home! Thanks!

  • Reply Preetjyot Kaur June 20, 2018 at 5:41 am

    I really appreciate such a detailed review of this geranium oil. It seems this has some great benefits. I shall definitely try this soon.

  • Reply Anvita Bhatnagar Mistry June 20, 2018 at 3:07 am

    love using essential oils. They are a part of my daily regime for sure.

  • Reply Sarah Camille June 19, 2018 at 7:57 pm

    This oil sounds great! I haven’t tried it but I love your idea to add it to shampoo and conditioner!

  • Reply Blogger Tribe (@bloggertribe) June 19, 2018 at 5:18 pm

    Thank you for the thorough review. I have always been curious about Geranium oils, among many others and this helped me make a couple decisions

  • Reply Angela Ricardo Bethea June 19, 2018 at 2:50 pm

    I like using essential oils. It’s relaxing for me!

  • Reply rohinijames June 19, 2018 at 2:34 pm

    I rarely change my products unless I come across something very different. Your review makes me want to give this product a chance for sure.

  • Reply Mrinal Kiran June 19, 2018 at 2:15 pm

    Geranium was the first essential oil that I ever bought! It was really amazing and worked great for me! I am going to pick this brand this time!

  • Reply jhilmildsaha June 19, 2018 at 1:50 pm

    Geranium oils have very good anti ageing properties. This one from Ryaal sounds very effective too for adding to diy anti-ageing skincare like masks or scrubs.

  • Reply Gurjeet Chhabra June 19, 2018 at 12:36 pm

    Rey naturals essential oil look so promising . your tips are great use it to fragrant the room or apply on skin . any why it do wonders

  • Reply Papri Ganguly June 19, 2018 at 10:57 am

    I just love using this essential oils to my oily prone skin only for its rosy smell.

  • Reply Jhilmil June 19, 2018 at 10:28 am

    I’m impressed by the quality of product and the fact that this oil not just clears the skin but also relieves the stress.

  • Reply Cris June 19, 2018 at 10:16 am

    I never tried geranium oil. But have heard amazing things about it. Might just give it a try!

  • Reply Yuli Armstrong June 19, 2018 at 8:49 am

    That sounds really great! I didn’t know geranium was use for emotional healing

  • Reply Nabanita Dhar June 19, 2018 at 7:10 am

    I have heard quite a bit about Geranium Essential oil. Your review however was quite elaborate and helpful. I will see if I can find it here. Thanks.

  • Reply sayeridiary June 19, 2018 at 5:51 am

    Geranium essential oil is another good launch by Rey Naturals. It has so many benefits. Thanks to you because you have shared all the possible uses of this essential oil.

  • Reply tuggu.n.mommy June 19, 2018 at 3:20 am

    Wow this geranium oil really looks good. This is a new product for me. Thanks for sharing

  • Reply mitchellejuaban June 19, 2018 at 3:03 am

    I didn’t know we could directly add oil in shampoos. Wow, great to know that.

  • Reply Tara June 19, 2018 at 2:20 am

    I didn’t realize that essential oils had so many great benefits in one little bottle. I will have to look into this product more for my family. Thanks for sharing!

  • Reply amayszingblogs June 19, 2018 at 1:31 am

    I have no idea what is geranuim oil but when I see your blog post! I love benefit of it.! thanks for sharing! this is really nice!

  • Reply ninakasper June 19, 2018 at 12:04 am

    I love the smell of geraniums so I need to check this one out. Do you know if it safe around pets? I’ve heard so many horror stories of pets getting sick from oils in vaporizers.

  • Reply Tara Pittman (@momknowsbest15) June 18, 2018 at 8:29 pm

    This is a oil that I have yet to try. It sounds like one that I would like for my skin.

  • Reply Deborah Miranda June 18, 2018 at 6:13 pm

    Wow.. thanks for so many details on geranium oil.. have always heard of its benefits but never tired.. think i gotta checm this brand out too..

  • Reply nameeshn24 June 18, 2018 at 2:44 pm

    Your review of Gernium Essential Oil by Rey Natural looks pretty good. You have listed benefits & side-effects very well. The packaging looks good. Will definitely share the info with my friends.

  • Reply priyalpoddar June 18, 2018 at 12:27 pm

    Thanks for letting us know about this oil , will definitely gonna try it

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