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Sea Salt : Essential Benefits

July 17, 2017
Sea Salt : Essential Benefits

Hi everyone,

Sea salt, also known as bay salt, is produced by the process of evaporation of salt water bodies. It is darker in color as compared to the refined salts due to the absorption of essential minerals from the clay lining of the body of water.

The Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and the North Sea are the most common hubs for the harvesting of sea salt. The method involved in harvesting sea salt also helps to retain its natural state and therapeutic qualities.


Benefits of Sea Salt

Benefits of Sea Salt


It is the natural salt that is produced directly from the sea water. When the salty water of ocean is evaporated, it is formed.


The biggest difference between sea salt and its processed counterpart is that it is not altered artificially, while the latter needs to go through multiple processing methods. Therefore, the sea salt holds quite a lot of crucial nutrients that can do wonder for us. It offers numerous benefits for the health, skin and hair.


Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Health


It has alkalizing effect that helps in balancing the acid levels in your body and eliminating potential risks of fatal diseases.

Sea salt can strengthen immune system to a great extent. As your immunity gets boosted, your body becomes more resistant to various disorders like flu, fever, cold, allergies etc.

It also has significant effects on your cardiovascular system. Scientists have proved that regular intake of sea salt diffused in water can lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the body considerably.

Unlike regular salt, it can be used for keeping blood pressure under check and normalizing irregular heartbeat. In a nutshell, sea salt can help you avert a number of life-threatening diseases like strokes, heart block, heart attack etc. by maintaining the cardiovascular health.



Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Health

Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Health

If you are suffering from diabetes or vulnerable to it, this salt can help you reduce the levels of sugar in your bloodstream successfully.

When it comes to healing bone disorders, sea salt plays an important role. More than 20% of the entire sodium content of your body is accumulated in your bones, which get damaged during the lack of the mineral in the bloodstream as well as the body fluid. Therefore, severe medical conditions like osteoporosis can be cured by including this wonderful natural remedy in daily diet.

Sea salt is also beneficial for your respiratory system. It can decelerate the secretion of phlegm or mucous during asthma and reduce the inflammation a lot. As a result, it becomes much easier for you to breathe.


Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Health

Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Health

If you are planning to shed off those extra pounds, opt for this salt. Moreover, it puts off any buildup that can get in the way of your digestive tract. All these lead to a healthy internal system, which is eventually helpful in keeping up a standard body weight.

Sea salt contains fluoride, which is beneficial for promoting dental health. Fluoride aids in protecting the teeth from acidic damage and prevents the development of caries and cavities. Regular rinsing and gargling with tepid sea salt water helps to alleviate mouth sores, bleeding gums, ulcers, and the pain of sore throats.

Dead Sea salts have been proven to be effective in providing therapeutic relief to patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have made it clear that baths containing these salts possess anti-inflammatory qualities and have demonstrated significant improvements in such ailments as compared to normal sodium chloride baths.

Sea salts also help in maintaining balanced levels of blood sugar. It is effective in reducing the body’s dependency on insulin medication for the regulation of sugar levels.

Sea salt baths have a calming and soporific effect, thus helping in inducing profound, rejuvenating sleep. It also helps in preventing excess salivation that flows out of the mouth during sleep, keeping your body hydrated.


Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Health

Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Health

Sea salt aids in maintaining healthy levels of blood pressure and helps to normalize irregular heartbeats. It has also shown beneficial effects in preventing the occurrence of various cardiac disorders.

Sea salt is beneficial in relieving muscle cramps and helps in enhancing muscular strength. Essential minerals like magnesium and potassium have therapeutic and rejuvenating qualities, thus making sea salts a natural remedy to cure aches and pains.

A sea salt solution helps in relieving puffiness around your tired eyes. A sea salt compress aids in reducing the dark circles and sagging bags under the eyes, while inducing a calming, stress-relieving effect.

Sea salts helps in alkalizing the cells of the body by facilitating excretion of excess acids through urination. This helps in maintaining the optimal acid-alkali ratio of the body. In case the pH value of the blood moves towards the acidic side, it can disturb the natural, healthy balance of the body and may result in chronic medical conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

Sea salt is also valued for its distinct flavor and is added to various recipes, particularly in French and Thai cuisine.

Sea salts are naturally anti-allergenic and are considered beneficial in providing relief from asthma and other allergies. Sea salt baths also alleviate the risk of infections and contribute towards overall immunity of the body.

Sea salt is a major source of sodium and should be consumed in appropriate quantities. Irrespective of the type of salt, excessive intake of one type of salt may lead to ailments like edema or high blood pressure, which can pose a risk for other medical conditions.

Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Skin


Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Skin

Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Skin

The mineral content in it have long been appreciated for their rejuvenating effects on the skin. Bathing in a Dead Sea salt solution helps in keeping the skin moisturized and revitalized.

Dead Sea salt baths also help in improving the skin barrier function and eliminates the roughness and inflammation on the skin’s surface. Studies have shown that the anti-inflammatory effect is attributed to the presence of a high magnesium content in the Dead Sea salts.

It also helps in the detoxification of the body by flushing out toxins from the pores, while also aiding in improving blood circulation.

Click below to Buy Sea Salt for your skin-

As it can push all toxins out of your body, the skin becomes soft and healthy. It has been seen that regular sea salt baths can enhance the skin tone to a large extent. The magnesium present in the salt can prevent the retention of fluid from your skin keeping it supple, firm and youthful.

It is full of vital vitamins and minerals, which are required for providing proper nourishment to the skin cells. These nutrients can improve the cellular energy metabolism, keep the tissues hydrated, boost blood circulation throughout the skin surface and increase the strength of cell membranes.


Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Skin

Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Skin

The calcium content of sea salt can help in cleaning up clogged skin pores. It keeps your skin clean and clear by reducing the chances of skin infections.

You can also use sea salt as a natural exfoliator. The texture of this salt helps remove the upper layer of dead skin cells and reveal a fresh one underneath that.

Soaking your tired feet in a warm sea salt solution helps to relax the muscles, and relieve the soreness and pain in your aching feet.


Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Skin

Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Skin

Soften tough skin with a moisturizing sea salt scrub. This is a very simple recipe, but gives fantastic results. It leaves the skin soft, refreshed and renewed.

Use sea salt that doesn’t have rough, sharp edges. The texture of the sea salt should be fine and gentle to the touch, as you don’t want it to scratch your skin but gently exfoliating the dead skin cells.

It on its own is an excellent exfoliating treatment, and many expensive spas use similar recipes, but it is so easy to make it at home, so you must give it a try. It also uses essential oil which adds extra benefits for your skin.


Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Skin

Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Skin


Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Hairs

It is a great natural remedy for people with oily hair. It can absorb excess oil and make them smooth and shiny.

With so many minerals present in it, you can easily get that desired volume and bounce in your hair with sea salt. Moreover, it can provide enough nutrients to your hair follicles and make them much softer.


Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Hairs

Sea Salt : Essential Benefits : Hairs

Sea salt is excellent for fighting against dandruff. It works directly on your scalp and helps you get rid of dryness so that you can always flaunt your long and lustrous hair.

One of the lesser known benefits of sea salt is the stimulation of healthy hair growth. Massaging the scalp with the sea salt aids in improved circulation of blood and strengthens the hair follicles.


So these were the benefits of Sea Salt for your body.. Do try sea salt and let me know how it worked on you in comments section.. Also do share if you have already used the sea salt for any other purpose..

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  • Reply wethetransformers May 18, 2018 at 11:03 am

    It was nice to read so much about salt. Very informative post. Keep up the good work.

  • Reply Snigdha October 16, 2017 at 6:13 pm

    I had no idea that sea salt has that much benefits… This post is really interesting…

  • Reply Papri Ganguly October 16, 2017 at 1:33 pm

    I have been using lavender sea salt from Nyssa. But I never knew all these facts about dead Sea salt. Thanks for sharing.

  • Reply ourlittleworld2016 October 15, 2017 at 5:45 pm

    I knew sea salt had many benefits, but this is like flood of goodness that you have shared in your article about sea salt.. it is a must have in evwry home

  • Reply Mrinal Kiran October 15, 2017 at 2:04 pm

    Wow.. I did not know sea salt has so many benefits! Will surely incorporate it in my skincare!

  • Reply Mrinal Kiran October 15, 2017 at 1:32 pm

    Wow.. so many benefits of sea salt.. will try to incorporate it in my skincare 😍

  • Reply Tripti Charan October 15, 2017 at 1:21 pm

    Wow! I had no idea of the benefits sea salt has. Thanks for sharing with us 🙂

  • Reply Jhilmil October 15, 2017 at 12:07 pm

    I just knew its benefits for the skin, great to know its importance wrt respiratory system and even in diabetes!

  • Reply Nisha Malik October 15, 2017 at 10:08 am

    Wow. Thats such an amzing post over sea salts. You covered evety detail. Kudos.

  • Reply nishikch October 15, 2017 at 8:08 am

    heya i didnt knw sea salt has that mch advantage…..btw recommend any branded sea salt…

  • Reply Minakshi bajpai October 15, 2017 at 7:53 am

    Very informative post about benefits of sea salt. Wasnt know so much about it. Thanks for sharing.

  • Reply worldofmakeupmagique October 15, 2017 at 3:03 am

    So many benefits… wow!! I use it in warm water to soothe my feet… loved the ideas

  • Reply myteenytot October 15, 2017 at 1:19 am

    Great article !! I was clueless about seasalts benefits. Thanks for sharing.

  • Reply richa October 14, 2017 at 7:54 pm

    Wow a detailed post on sea salt got to know so many benefits!!!!

  • Reply Minakshi bajpai October 14, 2017 at 5:31 pm

    Wasnt aware so much about sea salt. Good to know that it has so many benefits for our health and skin. Will add this more.

  • Reply snehalboricha October 14, 2017 at 4:21 pm

    Got something new to learn today- sea salt benefits for health!

  • Reply The Kardashian Clan October 14, 2017 at 3:51 pm

    Love to read that salt can have such so many benefits.

  • Reply henajose October 14, 2017 at 3:13 pm

    Never knew sea salt had so many benefits. Good to read.

  • Reply Ice Cream wsps Clara (@IceCreamClaraBg) July 24, 2017 at 10:37 am

    This is so interesting, so many things I didn’t know before! Definitely bookmarking 😀 xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)

  • Reply Brian from July 21, 2017 at 12:15 am

    Thanks, from what I have learnt in your article, the salt that is being sold to me as sea salt, is not actually sea salt at all. 🙁

  • Reply Lee Griffin July 20, 2017 at 8:27 pm

    Very informative. I knew about the skin benefits of sea salt, but didn’t know much else about it. I love using it as a facial scrub – my skin looks better and feels cleaner than before.

    LeeNG Beauty: The ULTIMATE Guide to Dry Shampoo

  • Reply Erin Fuller July 18, 2017 at 1:08 am

    Great article. I definitely use it a lot in cooking, and in body scrubs, but you have a lot of other great info here that I need to try.

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