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Simple Beauty Tips for Darker Skin

Most beauty and makeup tips are intended for lighter skin shades, and won’t work so well for darker skins. But since we come in many different shades, it’s only fair to have some beauty tips for darker skins.

Let’s see Simple Beauty Tips for Darker


Lighter-skinned women darken their skin with fake tan, while darker-skinned women yearn for lighter skin. Isn’t it crazy that we can’t love ourselves as we are? Learn to appreciate your own skin; plenty of people think darker skin is beautiful, and most of all you should think that that you are beautiful.


Women with darker skin have often found it difficult to find makeup, especially foundation, as most ranges don’t cater for them. This is improving, with more ranges offering foundations for darker skins.


While you may not burn as easily as light-skinned women, you should still be careful to protect your skin. You do need to use an SPF, as your natural protection is still limited. And although darker skins tend to age better, the sun can still age your skin – and you should still protect it from the damage that could cause skin cancer. Look for the sunscreen which isn’t too white, which will look very obvious. It is one of the Simple Beauty Tips for Darker Skin.

ALSO READ- VLCC 3D Youth Boost Sunscreen Gel Creme SPF40 PA +++


One of the beauty problems caused by sun is uneven skin pigmentation, which can also be a problem. So you may need to even up your skin tone. Sunscreen should help avoid the problem getting worse, but you can also find products which is vitamin c which helps to reduce the pigmentation or you can always consult a dermatologist for the same.

ALSO READ – Glutathione Supplement for Skin Whitening


One bonus of having darker skin is that bold colors look awesome on your skin, so make the most of that. Try a bold lipstick – even unlikely lipstick shades like blue or purple can look amazing. You can also wear really strong eyeshadow colors, and will look wonderful with smoky eyes.


Finally, don’t try to hide your gorgeous features such as full lips. Play up your features and make the most of what you were born with. Draw attention to your beautiful eyes, lovely lips, or amazing cheekbones. Don’t be ashamed of your looks.

It may take some effort to find the right shades for you, but don’t be fobbed off with products that aren’t flattering for darker skins. The right products are out there! And don’t be afraid to demand more shades that flatter and suit darker skins. What’s the Simple Beauty Tips for Darker Skin you have for darker skin?

Thanks for Reading,



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Hola!! Welcome to Makeupadda I Khushboo am the founder and writer of Makeupadda. I started this blog to share my passion for makeup and beauty. I am a nature lover, loves travelling and exploring new places. Makeupadda is not just a beauty website but a resource for beauty enthusiast featuring many makeup reviews, beauty reviews, beauty news and updates, beauty tips. Contact-

View Comments

  • This is a great tips list! My husband is much darker than I am, so I am now learning about all of this for my girls.

  • We need sun protection no matter what are skin colour is. These are some great tips for those with a darker skin tone :)

  • I believe every skin needs to be nurtured well. I can't give proper time for skin maintenance, I will have to keep these things in mind.

  • Great tips for those with darker skin, bold colours always look great on darker skin

  • Found these tip very helpful. I have a darker skin and I love it. Nothing to worry about and I had my own beauty routine that s very effective.

  • It was nice reading this. I particularly love the first point though — love your skin. Some ladies are ashamed of their melanin when they ought to be proud— I don't get it.

  • I have darker skin tone compared to my two sisters who are fair skinned. I find your tips very beneficial for people like me who have darker skin. I usually shun make up because I could not find the right colors to use, or the right cosmetics that would look good on me. I will heed your advice and hopefully it will bring back the confidence I need.

  • These are all great tips. All skin types need sun protection. I wear it daily all year around.

  • Every skin type needs sun protection for sure, specially in summers. These tips are nice for darker skin types.

  • Wow very helpful for someone like me who has not much knowledge about make up .Saving this post for future reference

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