Hi all,
If you only use one essential oil, this is it! Lavender Essential Oil is one of the most versatile oil with so benefits for hair, skin and other things. Let’s see Top Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil today.
Lavender (lavandula angustifolia) is the most versatile of all essential oils. Most commonly known for its relaxing effects on the body, therapeutic-grade lavender has been highly regarded for the skin.
The fragrance of the lavender oil is refreshing, calming, relaxing.
Today, lavender is the most used essential oil in the world. Ancient texts tell us that lavender essential oil has been used for medicinal and religious purposes for over 2,500 years.
The Egyptians used Lavender oil for mummification and as a perfume. The Romans used it for bathing, cooking and for scenting the air.
Lavender oil is extracted mostly from the flowers of the lavender plant, primarily through steam distillation. The flowers of lavender are fragrant in nature and have been used for making potpourri for centuries. Traditionally, lavender essential oil has also been used in making perfumes. The oil is very useful in aromatherapy and many aromatic preparations and combinations are made using lavender oil.
Also Read – Benefits of Rosemary Essential Oil
Lavender oil blends well with many other essential oils including cedarwood, geranium, and nutmeg. Today, lavender essential oil is frequently used in various forms including aromatherapy oil, bath gels, Infusion, Lotions, Soaps, Aromatherapy oil, Teas, Whole and Dried Flowers.
We can incorporate lavender in to our daily life.
Top Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil
Calming and Sleep Aid
Rub 2-3 drops of lavender oil in your cupped palms, and then inhale it. It will help your brain to calm the mind. Then, rub on the feet, temples, wrists or anywhere for an immediate calming effect on the body. Rub a drop of Lavender oil on your palms and smooth on your pillow to help you sleep.
- Acne
Lavender is one of the most valuable oils for the treatment of acne. It inhibits the bacteria that cause the skin infection, helps to rebalance the over-secretion of sebum, which the bacteria thrive on, and reduce scarring. One of the Top Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil is for acne.
Also Read – Benefits of Orange Essential Oil
- Eczema / Dermatitis
Mix several drops of Lavender oil with olive, coconut or sesame and use topically on eczema and dermatitis.
- Nausea or Motion Sickness
To alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, place a drop of Lavender oil on end of tongue, behind the ears or around the navel.
- Bee sting / Insect bite
Put a drop of Lavender oil on a bee sting or insect bite to stop itching reduces swelling.
- Minor burn / Cuts
Put 2-3 drops Lavender oil on a minor burn to decrease pain. Lavender works wonders! For cuts drop few drops of Lavender oil on cut to stop bleeding, clean wound, and kill bacteria.
- Hay fever / Cold sores
Rub a drop of lavender oil between your palms and inhale deeply to help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. Put a drop of lavender oil on a cold sore.
- Aching Muscles
Jump into a lavender bath to soothe aches & pains away. Apply few drops of Lavender Oil to the bath and soak away the tension.
- Dry skin / Chapped/ Sunburned Lips
Rub lavender oil on dry or chapped skin. Rub a drop of lavender oil on chapped or sunburned lips.
- Menstrual Cramps
Massage a few drops of lavender oil into your lower abdomen or apply a hot compress onto the area, which a little lavender oil has been sprinkled.
- Sunburn
Add 8 drops of lavender oil with 4 drops of peppermint oil to a teaspoon of jojoba oil. Pour it into a cool-to-lukewarm bath and soak for 10 minutes.
- Skin
Most likely due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics, lavender essential mixed with aloe or coconut oil has profound benefits on your skin.
Research has even proven its ability to speed recovery from canker sores and can prevent allergic reactions!
Want to reduce age spots? Try mixing lavender oil with frankincense essential oil and put it on your skin first thing in the morning, right after you shower and right before bed. For skincare lavender oil is the best essential oil.
Also Read – Benefits of Peppermint Essential Oil
As a Face Toner
Lavender tones and makes your skin firm as it boosts circulation, thus resulting in an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrition to the skin cells. This helps in keeping the cells healthy and boosting their renewal process.
You can make a toner at home with lavender and water. Boil 100 ml of water in a bowl and then put in the lavender buds, so that they are completely submerged. Cover the bowl, leaving the brew to steep for a few hours. Drain the mixture into a clean glass bottle and refrigerate it. Spray some of this lavender water on a cotton pad and gently wipe your face with it (after washing your face in the morning). This will refresh your skin like a toner.
As a Non-toxic Air Freshener
The same way you use lavender oil as a perfume, you can use it around your home as a natural, toxic-free air freshener. Either spray lavender oil around your home or try diffusing it.
To create a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom before you fall asleep, try spraying the lavender oil and water mixture directly onto your bed sheets or pillow.
You can try the same method in your bathroom as well, and also on your bath towels. Before taking a relaxing bath or shower, spray your towel with lavender oil so its relaxing scent is waiting for you when you step out of the shower.
As a Secret Flavour Booster in Recipes
Lavender oil is completely edible, but you will want to use a very small amount since the taste is very powerful. Try adding 1-2 drops to your recipes for a surprising flavour booster. Lavender is said to pair perfectly with things like dark cocoa, pure honey, cranberries, balsamic vinaigrette, black pepper, and apples.
Hair Care
One of the Top Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil is for hair care because it has been shown to be very effective on lice, dry scalp and dandruff. Furthermore, lavender essential oil has also been shown to be very helpful in the treatment of hair loss.
Mix 15 drops of lavender essential oil with 2 tablespoons of olive or almond oil and heat the mixture for about 10 seconds. Massage your scalp with this warm oil mixture.
As a Natural Perfume
Do you want to smell good without using toxic perfumes? Lavender esentilal oil is a great scent for women and for men too. You can either try adding pure oil directly to your skin, or you can dilute oil in water for a more subtle scent.
You can also try using 2 drops of lavender oil added to a spray bottle with about ½ cup of water. Shake up the spray bottle and then spray whatever you’d like.
As a Remedy for Stomach Discomfort
Many people find the scent of lavender to be soothing to the stomach. If you are feeling nauseous, or know that you are going to be traveling in a car of plane and are prone to motion sickness, spray some lavender oil on your skin and clothes or rub it into your temples and palms.
Word of Caution / Precaution
There is no doubt lavender is a beneficial herb. But then, it does come with its own sets of minuses. Some of the precautions that need to be taken are –
As with many other essential oils, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using lavender essential oil. It is also recommended that patients with diabetes to stay away from lavender oil. It may also cause allergic reactions to people that have unusually sensitive skin. Some people may also witness nausea, vomiting and headaches due to either common or excessive use of lavender oil.
Lavender has been found to slow down the central nervous system. If it is used in combination with anaesthesia and other medications during or after surgery, there are chances it might slow down the nervous system way too much. Hence, ensure you don’t use lavender at-least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
I am using Lavender Essential Oil from Aroma Magic.
You can buy from here
Now that you know a good deal about benefits of lavender essential oil, do tell me in what way you prefer using it! Also let us know how you liked this post. You can comment in the comment section below.
Thank you,
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Wow never knew so many benefits of lavender essential oil..I am definitely going to buy one
I have one pack of bottle but I was not using it even I didn’t know about its benefits…Such a huge list!! I’m going to use it now.
I love the way you have described the product beautifully. Would love to hear from you soon.
I have a long love affair with lavender oil. I am going to start using your recommendation for more use now.
Wow lavender oil has so many benefits. I’ve lavender oil at home. But don’t know how to use. Next time whenever I feel nausea or sleepless will definitely try this out.
I knew lavender oil was good for skin but didn’t know that it helped with insect bites and motion sickness… Thanks for sharing!
I have heard a lot about essential oils but have never used before. Reading this blog I got to know many new uses as well. Looks like I should try them out
I didn’t know that lavender oil has such huge benefits.. Will include lavender essential oil into my lifestyle..
Lavender oil is a must have. I am guilty that I don’t own one. But considering the persistent bouts of insomnia I am gonna get one for myself
Never knew that lavender essential oil can be of such great use..I now feel it is a must for every home as it can treat many problems..
Amazing and beautiful post. Lavender essential oil has many healthy benefits. This oil is best for the skin. Great thoughts.
Lavender oil with such great benefits is so nice. Will try this out for soothing relaxation at my place too
I find the smell of lavender very uplifting. Didn’t know it had so many incredible benefits. Need to get my hands on a bottle of lavender oil for dry skin and emergency uses like bee sting etc. Thanks for this informative post.
I also use lavender essential oil as an air freshener & it instantly lifts up my mood .
These are some amazing benefits! I love lavender oil and it’s amazing fragrance it’s also so calming and relaxing.
I have not used essential oils that much but they have so many benefits. I need to start paying attention to them more!
Oh i have never tried this. It looks a great product. I would definitely try this.
Wow! I had no idea lavender did all of this. Honestly, the most I’ve ever done was enjoy the smell from an air freshener or laundry detergent. Where does one typically buy this stuff? Also, why is it not good for those with diabetes?
Who knew? I’ve seen it for oil and bath items. I’d love to use it for a natural perfume too. That’s a great idea.
I did not know that lavender oil was so widely used. This is a very informative article!
I actually have some lavender oil. I love collecting essential oils I am doing lots of holistic and wellness stuff to heal myself with them. Thanks for sharing the benefits.
Wow, thanks for the breakdown on Lavender! I just got into using oils this year because a Doterra opened in my town. Lavender is a great oil, and I can testify to its’ calming properties!
Lavendar is my number one favorite escential oil. The healing properties are great for those with high anxiety and stress.
I do enjoy the smell of lavender but had no idea all the various area’s it can help with. Next time I have an issue I’m going to try to apply what I learned here.
I have to try lavender. I have heard great things, but never tried any products. I need a sleeping aid.
I love lavender oil, but I have to admit I didn’t know it could be used for all of these benefits, I definitely use it for calming / relaxing and sleeping a lot though.
Lavander oil is one of the scents that I love and I am surprised to know that there are so many benefits. I guess there will me more reason for me to frequently use it.
I like to diffuse lavender oil in my baby’s room for her to sleep well! It’s very effective! One more benefit is that it can be used to repel moths. They hate the scent!
My sister has been using lavender successfully to help her hair grow. Maybe I need to give it a try, too. It’s working for her.
My MIL is really into oils and used lavender on my son’s arms for his eczema. I was pretty impressed with how much it helped although I personally cannot stand the smell.
I’ve always loved the scent of lavender. I know it does so much good! I haven’t tried the oils yet but I keep hearing about them. Maybe one day I will give it a try. For now I just have lavender candles and soaps.
I use lavender products for bathing at night as well as a sheet and pillow spray. it really is relaxing and calming especially when mixed with vanilla.
I love lavender! for the flower, the scent and the oil! i didn’t know about all these benefits! making me love it even more!
I love essential oils, and lavender is one of my favorites. I always keep a bottle in the kitchen because it is a miracle worker for burns!
I love lavender oil! I have it at all times with me – it cures everything
and I love the smell!
Lavender oil is amazing. I’ve been using it for years and still find new uses for it.
Wow, didn’t know lavender was such versatile plant. Good to know.
loved this post! I was told to mix lavender essential oil with almond oil to have a back massage before sleeping
i have been hearing so much about it and its wonderful to read its benefits. thanks for the share
Great tips in this post, thanks!
I had no idea there are so many uses for Lavender oil. I knew of the calming affects, I bought some to calm the dogs when it thunders or fireworks in the neighborhood. Now I have so many more used for it. Thank you!
Oh! I didn’t know lavender oil has so many uses like that, I am using it only for its fragrance. Thank you so much
Wow, didn’t know about lavender oil and it‘s benefits. I‘ll definitely try it out.
Thank you,
Xoxo Jassy from fancy-diaries.com
I never realised just how many ailments lavender can help with. I love the smell so will try more of it
I never knew of this. And lavender oil is not readily available in my country, but I’m going to try to get it anyways.
Do check out my blog This Guy’s Corner
so cool, didn’t know about half of those points!
I’ve always loved lavender as a relaxing aid in the evening before bed, didn’t realise how much more it can be used for, thanks.
so cool! I was told to mix almond and lavender oils before sleep
Love lavender smell, but didn’t know all these benefits. Great post!
I love oils and like to use the lavender one, so calming.
I am very partial to lavender fragrance, especially as an essential oil. I often use it in my oil dispenser…to clam and sooth myself.
Such an informative post. Love all the recipe here, esp that one to treat acne. I must give it a try.
Lavender is my favourite most essential oil, to be true. I would love to try it for everything you stated
Such a great post. I love lavender oil
Lavender oil is such a all rounder oil. Does everything all need
My favorite essential oil is Lavender . It really helps me sleep better and smell good
I love lavender smell but didnt know these benefits.Thank you for sharing.
Lavender attracts me a lot
Thanks for the detailed review.
Yes lavender essential oil is loaded with beauty benefits and smells heavenly.
Lavender oil is one of the most beneficial oils, but it has its con’s too as you have shared, thanks for sharing this post, really informative!
Lavender oil has so many benefits? I used it only for fragrance.. thanks for sharing
So many benefits of lavender oil I want to use it like you said for calm sleep
Wow… That’s really informative.. Lavender oil has so many benefits..
I just love lavender made products. I love its fragrance and its gorgeous colour.this product seems very promising one as it consist of mixture of 6 essential oils. Really want to try this.
Yup, I recently got Lavender essential oil to get that relaxation and for hair care!
I love the Fragrance of Lavender. This seems promising..
I find lavender extremely soothing… wasn’t aware that it works on acne too
My all time favorite essential oil is lavender but I never knew the benefits of it. I just loved for the fragrance of it. This post definitely gave me a lot of pointers
I didn’t know lavender oil had so many benefits. Its fragrance is enough to make me like it. Thanks for sharing.
I never knew that it can be used for stomach discomfort too. Interesting!
Informative post, lavender is indeed a miracle to use
I have always had a soft spot for lavender smell, and this seems to have lots of uses!
Loved promising one …great product look like one oil with multiple benefits
I simply love lavender oil… Such a lot of benefits…. Lovely post
wow, nice info. i like the smell of lavender
Essential oils are such a rage. Lavender is one of my favs too!
Wow!!! One oil and so many uses!!! Thanks for sharing. ?
-Bhumika http://makeupandsmiles.com ?
is suffer from hayfever so thanks