Beauty Blog Makeup

What is Face Highlighter?

October 2, 2016

What is Face Highlighter?

Highlighter is a makeup product that can completely change your beauty look. If applied correctly, it gives you glowing look where people can’t place what’s different, just that you look amazing.

Highlighters are light-reflecting products, available in liquid, cream and powder form. They enhance your complexion and give skin a brighter, dewy glow as well as making cheekbones look more prominent. They also reawaken dull or ageing skin and accentuate your favourite facial features in a subtle, natural way – they’re not meant to make you look shiny or glittery, instead they bring light to an area.

When you are choosing a highlighter you have to think about your skin tone. If you have cool undertone (If your vein colour is purple that means you are cool undertone) skin, pink toned highlighters are going to stick out, if you have very pale skin pink tones are perfect.

The goal when applying highlighter is to get a reflective dewy look that makes you look like you just moisturized your skin. You don’t want to be shiny or glittery, so try some on the back of your hand when you’re at the store and blend well. If the product gives your skin a slight sheen you’ve got it right, if you look covered in glitter try again.

There are three main areas you should apply highlighter the Cheekbones and Temples, the Eyes, and the Cupid’s Bow.

If you apply your foundation with a foundation brush , use that same brush to apply your highlighter. The product remaining on the brush will help with the blending process. When applying it to your cheeks, blend it on the highest point of your cheekbone and up towards your temple.


This is especially important if you’re doing any contouring as it will draw attention away from the makeup-made shadows. When applying it to your eyes, blend it underneath the eyebrow on the brow bone and into the inner crease. The lightness on the inner crease will open up your eyes and the brow bone

When applying it to your eyes, blend it underneath the eyebrow on the brow bone and into the inner crease. The lightness on the inner crease will open up your eyes and the brow bone contouring will give you a brow lift effect.

How to Apply Highlighter

  • You can use highlighter in a number of ways: Mix in a few drops with your moisturiser of choice for an all-over, radiant glow, or apply it after your foundation with a makeup brush to cover areas you’d like to glow.
  • Start at the inner corners of your eyes to open them up, then sweep it under the arch of your brows to define and lift your brow bone.
  • Next, highlight the tops of cheekbones, blending the highlighter right up to the temples.
  • You can also apply a highlighter to your Cupid’s bow, which will give the illusion of bigger lips.

Applying highlighter to your lips is less common but it will attract more attention. Before applying your lipstick, blend some highlighter in the Cupid’s bow and underneath the bottom lip. Once you’ve applied your lip colour, only a touch of the highlighter will show through, giving your lipstick a multi-dimensional colour effect.

You can also apply it to the bridge of the nose if it’s one of your favourite features but be careful not to apply it all the way to the tip as you’ll look shiny rather than contoured.

ALSO READ- How to Apply Liquid and Powder Highlighter on Face

Don’t try to use highlighter for coverage, especially for areas of pigmentation or redness. The shimmering tones will only serve to draw attention to the area. Some concealers have light-reflecting properties in them but they should be used sparingly outside the eye area.

You should always match the texture of your highlighter to your base, so if you’re wearing liquid or cream foundation, opt for a creamy highlighter that you can blend well into the skin.

If you want to use a powder highlighter, put a thin layer of translucent powder on over your foundation. You want your highlighter to really blend with your foundation. If you blend your makeup into one thin layer, it will look like your skin is naturally glowing.

What is Face Highlighter?  Its pretty easy to apply and if applied well it gives a glow to the face and its looks makes your face more attractive.

Also Read – L’Oreal Paris True Match Lumi Liquid Glow Illuminator.

Thanks For Reading



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  • Reply Amrit kaur August 4, 2019 at 6:21 pm

    These are some nice and useful tips to apply highlighters on the correct parts of the face.

  • Reply Manjusha August 4, 2019 at 5:08 pm

    Highlighter can really enhance the facial features.. this is a very useful post for makeup learners and lovers both.

  • Reply Paresh Godhwani August 4, 2019 at 3:04 pm

    It is a very insightful post for me who doesn’t know anything about makeup and cosmetics. I am sharing this with all the girls and ladies I know, I am sure they are going to like it.

  • Reply Sandy N Vyjay August 4, 2019 at 2:37 pm

    Face Highlighter is a useful makeup component, and these are some really valuable tips on getting the best out of your face highlighter.

  • Reply Purva August 4, 2019 at 2:08 pm

    I love using highlighters! Currently using a liquid highlighter by Revlon. It’s quite good.

  • Reply Read.dream.repeat August 4, 2019 at 12:54 pm

    This one looks interesting. I don’t have one for myself but will share it with my friends!

  • Reply docdivatraveller August 4, 2019 at 3:11 am

    Thanks to you I got my clarification about face highlighter. I never knew how to use it.

  • Reply Siddhi Palande aka book_gobbler August 3, 2019 at 5:52 pm

    I love this post. It is informative for folks like me who aren’t that knowledgeable in the art of makeup. Detailed and interesting post.

  • Reply Ruchie August 3, 2019 at 12:02 pm

    I was not aware that same foundation brush can be used for the highlighter ..Thanks for sharing this and all small tips in the post …really going to help me a lot!!

  • Reply Vashi August 2, 2019 at 2:24 pm

    Omg such indepth knowledge i git here on the right highlighter & its correct applications.
    Really enjoyed learning through this blog post

  • Reply Princy Khurana August 2, 2019 at 2:10 pm

    this was very informative, i love make up but i am a new bee in this field. thank you for describing.

  • Reply Hema August 1, 2019 at 6:31 pm

    This is a very helpful post for beginner like me. You have shared everything beautiful, I had some doubts about how to apply, it got cleared. It is really nice to know a highlighter can be applied in many ways.

  • Reply ghazala786 August 1, 2019 at 4:14 am

    Detailed review , I need to choose one according to my skin tone , thanks for sharing the details 🙂

  • Reply Sharon Lee October 7, 2016 at 2:44 pm

    I really love highlighter! I just got a new highlighter palette during cybersale >.<

  • Reply Absolute Yana October 7, 2016 at 5:07 am

    Thank you dear for this informative post..i for one love using highlighters!

  • Reply Rawlins GLAM October 7, 2016 at 3:54 am

    Thanks for the tips. Now I will be able to highlight the right features!

  • Reply Isaac Tan October 6, 2016 at 2:54 pm

    highlighter? interesting.. the only highlighter i know were those neon ones used during my uni days.

  • Reply Shub October 5, 2016 at 3:33 pm

    I learnt new things about highlighter…I don’t do makeup but yes, it is a fascinating thing.

  • Reply Audrey Yap October 5, 2016 at 3:00 pm

    Highlighters are great cause they accentuates your features to make you looks flawless!

  • Reply fienuts October 5, 2016 at 2:56 pm

    Thanks for sharing this tip on using a highlighter. I could never understand how it works 🙂

  • Reply Fadzi Razak October 5, 2016 at 2:46 pm

    I just started to get involve with make up. would definitely use some of these tips later

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